Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

IPV in Cambodia

Gender inequities and discriminatory gender attitudes, support conditions for the prevalence of intimate partner violence in Cambodia. The ‘National Survey on Women’s Health and Life Experiences in Cambodia – Report’ (World Health Organization 2015) states 21% of ever-partnered women have experienced physical or sexual violence by a partner and 32% have experienced emotional partner violence. Cambodia also experiences a prevalence of alcoholism including the intersection of alcohol related harms, contributing to high rates of intimate partner violence.

Preventing Intimate Partner Violence (PIPV Project)

In 2015-2017 PDP-Center implemented the PIPV project in Kratie and Svay Rieng Provinces. The project worked to raise awareness of risk factors related to alcohol consumption, highlighting the need for increased protective factors. The project resulted in 36 communes across Kratie and Svay Rieng adopting commune Deikas to reduce IPV risk factors. This led to a reduction in alcohol related harms including fewer reports of domestic violence. In addition, 36 community service networks were established, supporting sustainable collaboration.

Did you know the project attracted recognition and support from the National General Police Commissioner, who visited a target group in the district of Romdoul, Svay Rieng province, to learn more about the project and its achievements?

As part of the project PDP-Centre facilitated good practice case studies from June-July 2017 in Kratie and Svay Rieng Provinces. Case studies highlighted the local impact of alcohol related harms including; traffic accidents, health concerns, gender-based violence, family conflict and debt. Local wine (sra sor) production and consumption was reported as a key contributor to the prevalence of alcohol related harms, being readily available and largely affordable in rural areas. It is commonplace for local wine to be used as medicine including stress reduction and childbirth recovery. PDP-Center workshops have worked to challenge this practice through education of risk factors.

Read more about the project here! 

Success Stories!

A success story from Kampong Chouk Commune, Romdul District, Svay Rieng Province is available here!

A success story from Thmea Commune, Romdul District, Svay Rieng Province is available here!

Chet Borey Deputy District Governor Mr. Oung Sambath offered his support stating, ‘Before PDP-Center IPV project in Chet Borey District (Kouleab, Bos Leav, Thmore Kre and Da Communes) there were 70% to 80% of people consuming alcohol. People would usually consume lots at a time, especially during celebrations such as weddings, holidays, or parties. Even women consuming alcohol to cure their sickness or after delivering a baby’. 

Further examples of positive feedback from local authorities are available here! 

Where to Now?

In recognizing the intersection between gender-based violence and alcohol harms, PDP-Center continues its advocacy in this space, engaging in policy dialogue with the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) and Ministry of Interior (MOI) from 2017. This led to the MOI in 2017, developing and approving the ‘Technical Document for Preventing Alcohol Related Harm’, laying out a model for commune councils to open up space for people to participate in developing Deikas to reduce alcohol related harm and gender-based violence. Further research was also conducted by the PDP-Center in 2018.

2018 Action Research 

Action research report (part 1)

Action research report (part 2) 

Thank you letter to stakeholders